Tuesday 24 June 2014

Die Vyand binne die Kerk

Dié boodskap is daarop gerig om gelowiges op hulle hoede te maak vir die oudste versoeking, waarmee die vyand (satan, die duiwel) die mensdom verlei het. Dit vorm die basis van enige louheid en afvalligheid van gelowiges, wat ongelowiges ook gebruik, waarmee hul hulself regverdig om nie die Here te dien nie. Die kern skrifgedeelte om dit te verduidelik, is opgeteken in Joh. 8.

Dit is ook hierdie versoeking, wat verdeeldheid binne die liggaam van Christus veroorsaak rondom elementêre leerstellings. Indien daar nie erns werk hiervan gemaak gaan word nie, kan dit katastrofiese gevolge inhou vir elke gelowige.

Hierdie boodskap is die begin van die gesprek en vanuit dit, kan alle oortuigings en leerstelling onder die soeklig geplaas word om sodoende onenigheid uit die weg te ruim.

Ek moedig u aan om die hele boodskap te kyk, aangesien dit as 'n geheel verstaan moet word en is dit moeilik om net sekere gedeeltes uit te lig.

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E-pos: stanleyfranks3@gmail.com
Facebook: Stanley Franks

Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Enemy within the Church

In this message I discuss how easy it is to misinterpreted or misunderstand the Bible. This results in questioning the credibility of it, not just by non-Christians but also in the Christian world.

By misunderstanding the Bible, we often get so confused and then focus on only one aspect of the Bible. This robes us from the richness of the complete Bible and gospel message. This is also the cause of much deviation, regarding core Christian doctrine.

The Bible, also referred to as the Word of God or the Scriptures, are rich in spiritual guidance, to uplift and encourage people on earth. Although many don't see it as such, it remains the most influential book of all time.

It is the power of God, to those that believe.

Many Christian believers has paid the ultimate price to preserve it, and to adhere to it's instructions as the written will of God for mankind. 

Those Christians who paid the ultimate price under persecution, goes back to the first Christians, after Jesus' ascension; those under  the tyrannical rule of Nero; and throughout history, like communism and under the Islam religion until today. 

The power though, lies in overcoming evil, and ultimately entering into heaven, at the end of the existence of mankind on earth.


Stanley's Facebook

Tuesday 3 June 2014


The Word has been tried over and over...through the fire of persecution without count... Those who embraced it, also has and have the honor to be tried in the same way (Psa. 66:10; 1Pet. 1:7). 

Prayer of thanksgiving: "Lord, thank you, for the privilege, it is not a curse, that we as your children, can be counted worthy to be purified (tried), so that we can be a blessing to others, as your Word is to us. Because our faith, in You, are more valuable than gold. Hallelujah!"