Wednesday 23 July 2014

Forerunner to the Mark of the Beast!

A New Digital Tattoo for Moto X:

This is definitely the forerunner to the mark of the beast. Biblical, a mark is also a tattoo like thing. I wrote a book 'End Time Guide: A-Z' were I discuss it fully. The time will come that this type of tattoo will be enforced for buying and selling, then, making it the mark spoken of in Rev.

End Time Guide: A-Z

Bid, en vir julle sal gegee word

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Die Vyand binne die Kerk

Dié boodskap is daarop gerig om gelowiges op hulle hoede te maak vir die oudste versoeking, waarmee die vyand (satan, die duiwel) die mensdom verlei het. Dit vorm die basis van enige louheid en afvalligheid van gelowiges, wat ongelowiges ook gebruik, waarmee hul hulself regverdig om nie die Here te dien nie. Die kern skrifgedeelte om dit te verduidelik, is opgeteken in Joh. 8.

Dit is ook hierdie versoeking, wat verdeeldheid binne die liggaam van Christus veroorsaak rondom elementêre leerstellings. Indien daar nie erns werk hiervan gemaak gaan word nie, kan dit katastrofiese gevolge inhou vir elke gelowige.

Hierdie boodskap is die begin van die gesprek en vanuit dit, kan alle oortuigings en leerstelling onder die soeklig geplaas word om sodoende onenigheid uit die weg te ruim.

Ek moedig u aan om die hele boodskap te kyk, aangesien dit as 'n geheel verstaan moet word en is dit moeilik om net sekere gedeeltes uit te lig.

Vir enige vrae en navrae:
Facebook: Stanley Franks

Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Enemy within the Church

In this message I discuss how easy it is to misinterpreted or misunderstand the Bible. This results in questioning the credibility of it, not just by non-Christians but also in the Christian world.

By misunderstanding the Bible, we often get so confused and then focus on only one aspect of the Bible. This robes us from the richness of the complete Bible and gospel message. This is also the cause of much deviation, regarding core Christian doctrine.

The Bible, also referred to as the Word of God or the Scriptures, are rich in spiritual guidance, to uplift and encourage people on earth. Although many don't see it as such, it remains the most influential book of all time.

It is the power of God, to those that believe.

Many Christian believers has paid the ultimate price to preserve it, and to adhere to it's instructions as the written will of God for mankind. 

Those Christians who paid the ultimate price under persecution, goes back to the first Christians, after Jesus' ascension; those under  the tyrannical rule of Nero; and throughout history, like communism and under the Islam religion until today. 

The power though, lies in overcoming evil, and ultimately entering into heaven, at the end of the existence of mankind on earth.


Stanley's Facebook

Tuesday 3 June 2014


The Word has been tried over and over...through the fire of persecution without count... Those who embraced it, also has and have the honor to be tried in the same way (Psa. 66:10; 1Pet. 1:7). 

Prayer of thanksgiving: "Lord, thank you, for the privilege, it is not a curse, that we as your children, can be counted worthy to be purified (tried), so that we can be a blessing to others, as your Word is to us. Because our faith, in You, are more valuable than gold. Hallelujah!"

Saturday 31 May 2014



Die mees opspraakwekkendste boek in die Bybel, is Openbaring. Dié boek, is ryk aan simboliek wat gebruik word om gebeure op aarde en in die geestelike wêreld te verduidelik.

Openbaring 12, oor die manlike kind, die vrou en die draak is een van die dele wat ryk is aan simboliek. Indien dit nie suiwer vanuit die Skrif verduidelik en verstaan word nie, is dit verwarrend.

In hierdie boek word elke element van die manlike kind, die vrou, die draak, die maan, die rivier, ens. onder die soeklig van die Woord geplaas, wat sonder enige twyfel, die uitleg daarvan openbaar maak.

Alhoewel elke simboliek deeglike nagegaan word, is hierdie glad nie 'n moeilike en uitgerekte boodskap nie. Nog minder, bevat dit geheimsinnige dokumente en hoogs geleerde terme wat die leek nie kan verstaan nie.

Die manlike kind is 'n samevatting van die Gods plan, van voor Jesus se kruisiging tot en met vandag. U sal geestelike verryk en gestig word deur hierdie boodskap, aangesien dit ook vele van Jesus se uitlatings verstaanbaar maak.

Besoek my facebook vir meer inligting @Stanley Franks

Monday 19 May 2014

NEW RELEASE: End Time Guide:A-Z

Ek bied u vandag 'n geleentheid om die boek, End Time Guide:A-Z gratis af te laai as 'n vrystellings promosie, vanaf 20-24 Mei 2014, op (volg die kindle eBooks skakel). Besoek ook my ‘facebook’ blad, @Stanley Franks, vir skakels.

Hierdie is 'n kragtige eindtyd boodskap van verlossing en antwoorde, soos wat u dit nog nooit gehoor het nie, wat die boek van Daniel tot en met Openbaring maklik verstaanbaar maak:

Eindtyd boodskappe kan soms so moeisaam en verwarrend wees, met geheime en verborge simboliek, wat meer vrae en argumente uitlok as antwoorde. Tog, wil gelowiges die geheime te wete kom, veral wat in die boek van Openbaring opgeteken is.

Onderwerpe algemeen onder bespreking is o.a. die boek van Daniel, die 666 merk van die dier, die groot verdrukking, die wegraping en die wederkoms van die Here Jesus Christus. Hoewel, sekere individue daardeur gefassineer word, distansieer ander hulself sovêr moontlik daarvan, aangesien dit hulle glad nie interesseer nie, terwyl ander dit as negatief afmaak. Afgesien hiervan, lok dit steeds groot belangstelling uit, aangesien die mens deur toekoms gebeure gefassineer word.

Ons bediening – en boek, End Time Guide: A-Z, wat reeds op Amazon en Kindle gepubliseer is – is daarop gerig om die eindtyd boodskap so verstaanbaar, tog so volledig as moontlik oor te dra, sonder enige moeisame geheime en simboliek, of om gewaagde voorspellings te maak.

Die doel is dus, om die onkundige, ongelowige en die spesialis te betrek by 'n maklik verstaanbare uitleg oor eindtyd gebeure met die Christelike kerk en lidmate as die fokuspunt.

Teen die einde van die boodskap, sal elke individue presies weet hoe en waar hy/sy inpas, sonder om wêreldwye gebeure uit te laat. Verder, gee die boodskap hoop en lewe, aangesien die Bybel die sentrale punt van uitleg is. 

Ons moedig u as leier van u gemeente aan, om ons uit te nooi om u toe te spreek. Aangesien die eindtyd boodskap 'n boodskap van hoop, krag en verlossing is. 

Groete in Jesus Christus

Stanley Franks

Sel: 081 710 8262


End Time Guide:A-Z

End Time Guide:A-Z
What the Church need to know

Monday 3 March 2014


Visit our Facebook page: The Epistle/Die Sendbrief
We need to take note of the fact that the Bible make reference to The Mark of the Beast. For many years now, the Micro Chip (VeriChip, now re-branded PositiveID) has been identified by end time preachers, as the Mark of the Beast – never has the chip manufactures called it a mark.

The King James version of the Bible translates the mark as ‘in’ the hand or forehead, “proving” the chip theory, because it gets implanted underneath the skin. 

Rev. 13:16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev. 13:17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

In Rev. 20:4, in the KJV, the scripture makes reference to the mark which is ‘upon’ the forehead, though ‘in’ the right hand.   

Rev. 20:4  ... and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

In most other Bible translations, it’s translated as the mark ‘on’ the hand and forehead; in both Rev. 13:16 and Rev. 20:4. It makes a big difference in the meaning of the text. Still, in the original text, the translation is ‘on’ or ‘upon’ the hand or forehead. Why the difference?

For all practical reasoning, the VeriChip get implanted underneath the skin, in the hand or forehead. Which can be a valid argument. Yet, the answer is recorded in the Bible itself, so that we can have a clear understanding of its meaning.

According to an Old Testament scripture, a tattoo is a mark – in the Old Testament Law, it was prohibited to make a tattoo (mark) on your skin (Lev. 19:28). Thus reasoning, that the Mark of The Beast must be some tattoo of sorts. In the Amplified Bible, the Mark is also translated as a Stamp. 

In any event, the idea of the mark is correctly translated, as it is engraved on the hand or forehead like a tattoo. Though, while it is visible and engraved on the skin, it penetrates into (in) the skin. Thus, the KJV describe the fact that the mark gets engraved in the hand or forehead. None of the translations is in error, all of them describes the principle behind the mark: it is clearly visible and not hidden beneath the skin, as a tattoo is clearly visible in and on the skin. This is one of the reasons why tattoos is so popular, cause one day there will be some tattoo like ‘mark’. In a certain sense, eliminating an implant, but not excluding the principle behind the idea.

Take note, the scripture make reference to something that is like a tattoo, a mark. It doesn’t need to be hundred percent exactly applied like a tattoo, it just need to be something that is recognisable like it.   

A company called MC10, in conjunction with Google's new innovations and Motorola has already patented such a tattoo, or mark if you will, called the ‘e-tattoo or bio-stamp’.


Of course, like any product, the benefits of having such a tattoo gets promoted, in this case: for medical and health reasons. Google, obviously, sees it as a device of authentication – herein lies the catch. They want to see this kind of innovations – as wel as a ‘pill’ they are promoting – as beneficial in a wider range of applications. The most important application, is authentication: to access your personal portfolio databases such as buying without credit and or debit cards (eliminating the need for cash), computers, banking, social apps, access gates to secure places like airports and the work place etc. The possibilities are endless.  In affects, this kind of innovations sets the tone for the human body to be its own electronics authentication system – this will make people, in a certain sense, ‘robots’.

The investment and development in this product has reach such a stage, that it won’t take another generation before it is operational: first for medical and health related issues, then gradually, authentication.

It is important to note, contrary to popular belief, that this system will be voluntary implemented and nobody will force it on you with a gun against your head. The entire world system will revolve around this authenticating system thus, those that refuse to receive an e-tattoo or bio-stamp won’t be able to access anything, especially finances; such people won’t be able to access there work place, making them unemployed. In this dubious way, people will be forced to take the e-tattoo (the Mark of the Beast). No pensioner or person with disabilities who is depended on government grants (pension), will be able to access health care services or their money. That’s why the poor, the slave and even the rich will be part of the Beast system, even if they don’t have a computer, internet, cell phone or any electronic gadget. Because without the e-tattoo (Mark), you won’t be authenticated on any system.

The Church of Jesus Christ need to awake – hopefully with enough oil – and prepare itself for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ said, that this time will be so troublesome, that even the elect can be deceived, unless He shortens the time; and that we should pray always, to “be accounted worthy to escape all these things”.

Luk. 21:36  Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Matt. 24:21  For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Matt. 24:22  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.


Saturday 8 February 2014


“Moenie 'n persoon op sy baaitjie trakteer nie”, lui die spreekwoord. Dit beteken, dat jy nie iemand moet beoordeel of veroordeel, voordat jy jou nie vergewis het met die feite nie. Tog is die mens geneig om mekaar vinnig oor die kole te haal. Selfs Jesus het, tydens Sy tyd op aarde, baie hiermee te doen gekry.

Die skrifgeleerdes, Fariseërs en Sadduseërs – wat die godsdienstige leiers in Jesus se tyd was – het met tye aan die voorpunt van veroordeling gestaan, sonder om hand in eie boesem te steek. En dit alles waarmee hul, hul swakhede verberg het. Verkeerd is verkeerd en sonde is sonde, maar die houding waarmee dit bejeën word, is die besprekings punt.

Indien 'n mens homself wel in die posisie bevind om 'n oordeel te fel, moet dit regverdig wees; in teenstelling met die mens se opvatting (Joh. 7:24). Dit beteken, dat jy as mens jou deeglik moet vergewis met die feite, sonder om partydig te wees. In so 'n geval kan so 'n persoon in nugterheid die regte gevolgtrekking maak.

Op 'n stadium was 'n vrou op die daad van egbreuk betrap. Dit was vir die leiers 'n ideale geleentheid om met die vrou na Jesus te haas, om sodoende Sy opinie te kry. Natuurlik was dit nie om werklik Jesus se opinie aan te hoor nie, maar om Hom uit te lok (versoek).

Jesus se optrede en gedrag het hulle verstom, want sonder veel woorde het die beskuldigers in hulself besef, dat hulle oordeel nie regverdig was nie.

Alhoewel die vrou se daad verkeerd was en Jesus dit geensins goedgekeur het nie, was Sy oordeel regverdig.  As volgelinge van Jesus Christus, moet ons ook by Hom leer en in Sy voetstappe volg...

'n Volledige boodskap en bespreking hieroor word vervat in 'n netjiese A5 boekie, wat u kan bestel as Bybelstudie materiaal vir uself, u kerk, huis sel ens. Doen gerus navraag hieroor, sowel as vele ander onderwerpe wat strek vanaf Genesis tot en met Openbaring.

Vir enige geestelike hulp, bediening, vra wat pla ens. kan u ons gerus kontak. U kan ons ook uitnooi om u huis sel, Bybelstudie groep en kerk toe te spreek. Maak gerus kontak, sodat ons ‘n ontmoeting kan reël.